Garden for All Group Visits

Free access for low-income, at-risk, and BIPOC populations

The Garden for All Community Grant provides free access to Leach Botanical Garden for non-profit organizations, community groups, and schools serving low-income, at-risk, and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) populations. In alignment with Leach’s mission, this grant offers these groups the opportunity to enjoy immersive, restorative, and educational experiences in our unique landscape of native plants and horticultural collections, fostering community building, a connection with nature, and environmental stewardship.

Grant recipients can schedule free group visits for self-guided tours and garden exploration, with group sizes limited to 30 people per visit to ensure a meaningful experience. For a guided educational tour, or field trip inquiries for classrooms, groups should contact Program Director Jami LeBaron at

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Garden for All Community Grant, your organization must:

  • Be a registered non-profit organization
  • Serve low-income, BIPOC, disabled, immigrant, refugee, and/or LGBTQIA+ communities 
  • Plan a visit with no more than 30 participants at one time
  • Be requesting a self-guided group visit (no formal garden tour is included)
  • If bringing youth there must be a 3:1 ratio of children to adults
  • Organizations can apply once per calendar year

Priority will be given to

  • Groups that can demonstrate significant positive community impact
  • Organizations that serve underserved or underrepresented populations, low-income, BIPOC, disabled, immigrant, refugee, and/or LGBTQIA+ communities, with special priority for groups serving East Portland residents
  • Groups that align with the garden’s mission to foster environmental education and community wellness
garden for all community grant application

Garden for All (Individuals & Families)

The Garden for All admissions program supports individuals or families who find admission fees a barrier to entry. This program allows anyone to request free admission without needing to demonstrate eligibility or enrollment in assistance programs (such as Oregon Trail EBT, WIC, TANF, RCA, PWA, or SNAP).

Free Garden for All tickets can be obtained through walk-up requests, or by contacting Visitor Services via or phone at 503-208-6030.

banner image: ty & chey